The musical pop sensation Salman Ahmad of Junoon band, now a filmmaker has released the first episode of ‘Spiritual Democracy’ a film based on the life of PM Imran Khan. The event was held at the Sindh Governor House on Tuesday (October 5), which also happened to be the PM’s 69th birthday.
Salman Ahmed took to Twitter and wrote a note of thanks, that said, “Deeply grateful to Governor Sindh and Imran Ismail PTI for hosting the world premiere of Spiritual Democracy at the Governor’s house in Karachi. A very memorable evening and I am grateful for the jam-packed audience that watched the film.”
Deeply grateful to Governor Sindh @ImranIsmailPTI for hosting the world premiere of #SpiritualDemocracy at the Governor’s house in Karachi. A very memorable evening & I’m grateful for the jam packed audience that watched the film.
— salman ahmad (@sufisal) October 6, 2021
The film goes back in time and features old clips of PM playing cricket, his hunting trips, and the memorable moments of lifting the world cup in 1992. It also highlights his transition into politics and his speeches during 2014.
Watch the Episode Here