Hemani has partnered with ‘Quetta Gladiators’ to launch special Sports fragrance body sprays. At the signing ceremony, 3 new product of Quetta Gladiators body spray were launched, and it will be available soon across Pakistan at all leading supermarkets and all WB by Hemani outlets. Hemani is now stepping into the field of sports as the brand portfolio includes sports products. The future seems even brighter as

A signing ceremony was held to officiate the partnership. “The potential of Pakistan & the talent of its people is wowing the world now. The country is full of natural treasures & uniqueness; our responsibility is to just explore it. And sky is the limit”, Mr. Mustafa Hemani, CEO of Hemani Group of Companies said during the ceremony.

Sports fragrance

“We are really happy to have Hemani with us because it’s truly a Pakistani brand which is well known around the world. Initially, we are launching Quetta Gladiators body sprays in partnership with Hemani Fragrances but hopefully in future we will launch more products in a mutually beneficial partnership,” Quetta Gladiators owner Nadeem Omar said.

The signing ceremony between Hemani and Quetta Gladiators witnessed the presence of Mr. Mustafa Hemani, CEO of Hemani Group of Companies and Mr. Nadeem Omar, owner of Quetta Gladiators franchise & a famous Pakistani Business Executive, also known for his contributions to sports. Quetta Gladiators Team Players Shahid Afridi and Sarfaraz Ahmed were also a part of the ceremony. Fakhre Alam, Pakistani Actor and TV Host, and Mr. Moin Khan, Coach Quetta Gladiators were also present during this exciting and pleasant moment.


Sports fragrance SPORTS FRAGRANCE



About Hemani:

Hemani, the significant pioneer of herbal products & famous Pakistani lifestyle brand running its business since 1949, has grounded its roots in the market splendidly. With an unrivalled experience of more than 72 years worldwide across 80 countries, it has now evolved into a leading lifestyle brand in Pakistan with over 40 stores countrywide since 2017. The products are widely available to the people of Pakistan on leading online platforms too, making Hemani the most accessible & reliable herbal brand across the country. With a wide range of natural lifestyle solutions, Hemani has over 1,200+ products, there is something for everyone. Choices from an array of product categories are available through skincare, hair care, healthcare, personal care, herbal oils & the latest add on category fragrances.

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