A three-year-old clip of the actor’s from The After Moon Show resurfaced recently, seeing her respond to a question posed by Yasir Hussain. The host inquires what film Hussyn would have turned down had she been Mahira Khan, to which the actor says she would have refused to be SRK’s sidekick in Raees.
Now, the Oscar-winning director Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy has called out the starlet over her choice of words and asserted that such remarks only reflect poorly on one’s upbringing.
In the comments section of a post made by a digital publication, Chinoy wrote, “Don’t think you’ll ever be Mahira Khan so you won’t ever get to say no. Don’t diss other women in the industry; it reflects poorly on you and your upbringing.”
Hussyn had shared her views during the rapid fire segment of the show. She had been given three options “Verna, Raees or Ho Mann Jahan,” to which she had stated, “I wouldn’t have done Raees since I have no interest in playing Shah Rukh Khan’s sidekick.”