Real Transgender OR Khwaja Sira? Why is the ‘Transgender Rights Law’ just another ‘Hot Topic’ for Maria B?

Maria B

It was just recently when designer Maria B. was called out for her anti-transgender views. She embroiled herself in a serious argument with transgender rights activist Dr Mehrub Moiz Awan. The latter was supposed to speak at the TED x ISL (International School Lahore) panel in a move she decried as transphobia. Maria B not just supported the decision but also passed disinformation about Awan.

Guess what? A month later, the designer does it again. And this time her stance about the ‘Transgender Rights Law’ comes across as highly problematic. Maria B uploaded a public video on her social media that featured her and her sisters shedding light on the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018.

The Problematic Views

In the video, she termed the sensitive issue a ‘hot topic’ and how she feels concerned on how it will ‘affect her children’. She emphasized on understanding the actual meaning of the word ‘transgender’. She further cited an example of the most famous transgender in the world ‘Kim Kardashian’ and her father. He was her father first and then her mother. His name is Caitlyn Jenner.

Maria B

She further said, there’s a massive difference between khwaja sira and transgenders. On the act that represents the marginalised community, after 70 years when we’re doing something for them, and transgenders have usurped their rights. One of Maria’s sisters spoke about the vehemently for DNA and blood tests to ‘prove’ if someone was khwaja sira, transgender or cisgender. The other argued about the law regarding the Quran and Hadith.

What We Think

When you don’t belong to a community, your comments about them come across as highly problematic. Why speak about a matter that requires the community’s input and that of experts? We live in a society where there’s already a lack of understanding and empathy for this community, so keep your little knowledge to yourself.

Final Word

The members of the transgender community aren’t supported by society. Moreover, majority of them are disowned by their families and are treated as lesser humans. So why give your un-required two cents on a community that is already ridiculed and made fun of?

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