International Coffee Day 2021: Try Our Version of Cappuccino with Surprising Health Benefits!

International Coffee Day

Attention! All coffee lovers and the coffee confused International Coffee Day is back! If the only way to start your day is with a coffee then get celebrating. October 1st 2021 sees the return of International Coffee Day, a day when Nations come together to raise a mug to one of the UK’s best loved imports. Whether it’s a Macchiato or a Cappuccino that takes your fancy or only an Espresso will do, it’s a day to embrace the coffee bean.


History and Significance


The All Japan Coffee Association in 1983 celebrated International Coffee Day. In 1997, International Coffee Association celebrated it in China. Taiwan celebrated Coffee Day on their independence day. However, the International Coffee Organisation officially declared October 1 as the International Coffee Day in 2015. This day is celebrated to appreciate millions of coffee growers in the world. This year’s theme is to ‘promote fair trade practices’ in the coffee industry.

As we celebrate International Coffee Day 2021 today, we at Fashion Times bring you the best cup of cappuccino for you to make it for your loved ones.




Coffee: 1 tbsp

Sugar: 2 tbsp

Boiling water: 1 tbsp

Milk: One cup



Put coffee, sugar in a cup and mix with a spoon. Pour boiling water and beat it with an egg beater for 10 minutes until it changes it color and forms into a lather. Take another cup, put 1 tbs of the mixture in the base, pour boiling milk and then put another tbsp of coffee mixture on top. Garnish it with crushed coffee.


Serves: 1 person

Note: tbsp stands for tablespoon


It is important for us to know the health benefits of drinking coffee especially in the right amount.


International Coffee Day


  1. Coffee helps boost your mood

As per a study, researchers say that the drink has been linked to the best feelings like euphoria and happiness. Regular coffee consumption is linked to more positive feelings like pleasure, kindness, affection, friendship, calm and greater happiness.


  1. Coffee contains lots of antioxidants

Coffee beans are rich in antioxidants which you can think of as good guys that battle free radicals or unstable molecules that can damage your body cells. One key antioxidant in coffee called Chlorogenic acid, a beneficial plant-based compound, is being shown to reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and potentially play a role in protecting against chronic diseases by reducing oxidative damage.


  1. Coffee may lower the risk of type-2 diabetes

Another plus point of drinking coffee is that it is inversely associated with type 2 diabetes. This means that your daily coffee drinking can reduce your chance of developing type 2 diabetes by 6% for each additional cup to be exact, according to a 2018 meta-analysis of 30 previously published studies.


  1. Coffee is tied to a lower rate of many other diseases

Studies suggest that coffee consumption can also help to protect you against heart disease and Parkinson’s disease. Chances are you are well aware of the short-term brain benefits of coffee, such as an increase in alertness and improved memory that pops up in 24 hours of drinking coffee.


  1. Coffee could help you become a better athlete

Ever noticed that you can lift heavier and run further after your cup of coffee? Coffee might help you recover from a heavy workout too. Coffee has been shown to improve athlete performance, including reducing pain and maybe allowing you to go a little bit harder, faster, and longer quality workout. It has also been shown to improve endurance and reduce muscle soreness


So go ahead, enjoy and make yourself a cup of coffee.




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