Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari and her husband Mahmood Chaudhry announced the happy arrival of their first child on October 12. The proud parents have now announced the name their newborn son and the name is a tribute to her departed family members.
Mir Hakim Mahmood Choudhry 💙
Named after my late maternal uncle Mir & my late paternal grand father Hakim Ali Zardar
— Bakhtawar B-Zardari (@BakhtawarBZ) October 18, 2021
“Mir Hakim Mahmood Choudhry,” Bakhtawar announced on the bird app. “Named after my late maternal uncle Mir and my late paternal grandfather Hakim Ali Zardari.”
Previously, she took to Instagram and shared, “We are happy to announce the birth of our baby boy.” The caption of the post read and a picture attached with her tweet. The date October 10, 2021, was also mentioned in the picture, indicating the birthday of their first child.
🤲🤍 @mahmoodchoudhry
— Bakhtawar B-Zardari (@BakhtawarBZ) October 11, 2021
Bakhtawar got engaged to Dubai-based businessman Mahmood Choudhry on Nov 27, 2020 and married him earlier this year.