Arisha Razi 15 Question with Fashion Times

Arisha Razi

1. Describe yourself in three words.

2. What’s your current obsession?
Going on vacation.

3. What is one thing you still have from your childhood?
My sleeping habits.

4. What makes you laugh no matter what?
My niece.

5. What is the one thing that annoys you the most?
My most trusted ones lie to me.

6. What do you do when your day is off?
Spend time with family.

7. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Alfredo pasta.

8. What’s your style statement?
White shirt with denim jeans.

9. What’s your favorite food to eat?
American chopsuey.

10. Deserts you can’t live without?
Lotus cake.

11. Advice you’d give yourself at a younger age?
Take your parents advices seriously.

12. What was the first thing you bought from your first pay cheque?
Dont remember.

13. What’s the best excuse you’ve made if you got late for a shoot?
Gari dair se ayi the.

14. What’s the one thing you want to say to your Instagram followers?
Dont judge people by their appearance and respect women.

15. Which celebrity gracefulness you want to imbibe?
Mahira Khan.

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